
Citric Python types.




File upload result.


Group properties.


Language properties.


Delete language result.


List questions result.


Question properties result.


List quotas result.


Quota properties result.


RPC response payload.


Set quota properties result.


Survey properties result.


CPDB participant import result.


User settings for survey activation.

Module Contents

citric.types.Result: TypeAlias = t.Any[source]
class citric.types.FileUploadResult[source]

Bases: TypedDict

File upload result.

success: bool[source]

Whether the file was uploaded successfully.

size: int[source]

The size of the file.

name: str[source]

The name of the file.

ext: str[source]

The extension of the file.

filename: str[source]

The filename of the file.

msg: str[source]

The message of the file.

class citric.types.GroupProperties[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Group properties.

gid: int[source]

The group ID.

sid: int[source]

The survey ID.

group_order: int[source]

The group order.

randomization_group: str[source]

The randomization group.

grelevance: str[source]

The group relevance.

group_name: str[source]

The group name.

description: str[source]

The group description.

class citric.types.LanguageProperties[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Language properties.

surveyls_survey_id: int[source]

The survey ID.

surveyls_language: str[source]

The language code.

surveyls_title: str[source]

The survey title.

surveyls_description: str | None[source]

The survey description.

surveyls_welcometext: str | None[source]

The survey welcome text.

surveyls_endtext: str | None[source]

The survey end text.

surveyls_policy_notice: str | None[source]

The survey policy notice.

surveyls_policy_error: str | None[source]

The survey policy error.

surveyls_policy_notice_label: str | None[source]

The survey policy notice label.

surveyls_url: str[source]

The survey URL.

surveyls_urldescription: str | None[source]

The survey URL description.

surveyls_alias: str | None[source]

The survey alias.

surveyls_email_invite_subj: str[source]

The survey email invite subject.

surveyls_email_invite: str[source]

The survey email invite.

surveyls_email_remind_subj: str[source]

The survey email remind subject.

surveyls_email_remind: str[source]

The survey email remind.

surveyls_email_register_subj: str[source]

The survey email register subject.

surveyls_email_register: str[source]

The survey email register.

surveyls_email_confirm_subj: str[source]

The survey email confirm subject.

surveyls_email_confirm: str[source]

The survey email confirm.

surveyls_dateformat: int[source]

The survey date format.

surveyls_numberformat: int[source]

The survey number format.

surveyls_attributecaptions: str | None[source]

The survey attribute captions.

email_admin_notification_subj: str[source]

The email admin notification subject.

email_admin_notification: str[source]

The email admin notification.

email_admin_responses_subj: str[source]

The email admin responses subject.

email_admin_responses: str[source]

The email admin responses.

attachments: str | None[source]

The attachments.

class citric.types.OperationStatus[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Delete language result.

status: str[source]

The status of the operation.

class citric.types.QuestionsListElement[source]

Bases: TypedDict

List questions result.

id: int[source]

The question ID.

qid: int[source]

The question ID.

parent_qid: int[source]

The parent question ID.

gid: int[source]

The group ID.

sid: int[source]

The survey ID.

question: str[source]

The question.

help: str[source]

The question help text.

language: str[source]

The question language.

type: str[source]

The question type.

title: str[source]

The question title.

preg: str[source]

The question preg.

other: YesNo[source]

Whether the question has an “other” option.

mandatory: YesNo[source]

Whether the question is mandatory.

encrypted: YesNo[source]

Whether the question is encrypted.

question_order: int[source]

The question order.

scale_id: int[source]

The question scale ID.

same_default: int[source]

The question same default.

relevance: str[source]

The question relevance.

question_theme_name: str[source]

The question theme name.

modulename: str[source]

The question module name.

same_script: int[source]

The question same script.

class citric.types.QuestionProperties[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Question properties result.

qid: int[source]

The question ID.

parent_qid: int[source]

The parent question ID.

gid: int[source]

The group ID.

sid: int[source]

The survey ID.

type: str[source]

The question type.

title: str[source]

The question title.

preg: str[source]

The question preg.

other: YesNo[source]

Whether the question has an “other” option.

mandatory: YesNo[source]

Whether the question is mandatory.

encrypted: YesNo[source]

Whether the question is encrypted.

question_order: int[source]

The question order.

scale_id: int[source]

The question scale ID.

same_default: int[source]

The question same default.

relevance: str[source]

The question relevance.

question_theme_name: str[source]

The question theme name.

modulename: str[source]

The question module name.

same_script: int[source]

The question same script.

available_answers: Any[source]

The available answers.

answer_options: Any[source]

The answer options.

subquestions: Any[source]

The subquestions.

default_values: Any[source]

The default values.

attributes: dict[str, Any][source]

The question attributes.

attributes_lang: dict[str, Any][source]

The question attributes language.

class citric.types.QuotaListElement[source]

Bases: TypedDict

List quotas result.

id: int[source]

The quota ID.

name: str[source]

The quota name.

action: int[source]

The quota limit.

limit: int[source]

Whether the quota is active.

active: int[source]

The quota action.

autoload_url: int[source]

Whether the quota autoload URL is active.

class citric.types.QuotaProperties[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Quota properties result.

id: int[source]

The quota ID.

sid: int[source]

The survey ID.

name: str[source]

The quota name.

qlimit: int[source]

The quota limit.

action: int[source]

The quota action.

active: int[source]

Whether the quota is active.

autoload_url: int[source]

Whether the quota autoload URL is active.

class citric.types.RPCResponse[source]

Bases: TypedDict

RPC response payload.

id: int[source]

The ID of the request.

result: Result[source]

The result of the RPC call.

error: str | None[source]

The error message of the RPC call.

class citric.types.SetQuotaPropertiesResult[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Set quota properties result.

success: bool[source]

Whether the operation was successful.

message: QuotaProperties[source]

The quota properties.

class citric.types.SurveyProperties[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Survey properties result.

sid: int[source]

The survey ID.

owner_id: int[source]

The survey owner ID.

gsid: int[source]

The survey group ID.

active: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey is active.

expires: str | None[source]

The survey expiration date.

startdate: str | None[source]

The survey start date.

anonymized: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey is anonymized.

faxto: str[source]

The survey fax number.

format: citric.enums.NewSurveyType[source]

The survey format.

savetiming: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey saves timing.

template: str[source]

The survey template.

datesstamp: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey stamps dates.

usecookie: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses cookies.

allowregister: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey allows registration.

allowsave: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey allows saving.

autonumber_start: int[source]

The survey autonumber start.

autoredirect: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey auto-redirects.

allowprev: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey allows previous.

printanswers: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey prints answers.

ipaddr: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses IP addresses.

ipanonymize: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey anonymizes IP addresses.

refurl: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses referrer URLs.

datecreated: str[source]

The survey creation date.

showsurveypolicynotice: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows policy notice.

publicstatistics: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey is public.

publicgraphs: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey graphs are public.

listpublic: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey is listed publicly.

tokenanswerspersistence: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey token answers persist.

assessments: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses assessments.

usecaptcha: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses CAPTCHA.

usetokens: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey uses tokens.

attributedescriptions: str | None[source]

The survey attribute descriptions.

tokenlength: int[source]

The survey token length.

alloweditaftercompletion: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey allows editing after completion.

googleanalyticsstyle: str | None[source]

Whether the survey uses Google Analytics style.

googleanalyticsapikey: str | None[source]

The survey Google Analytics API key.

tokenencryptionoptions: str[source]

The survey token encryption options.

showxquestions: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows x questions.

showgroupinfo: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows group info.

shownoanswer: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows no answer.

showqnumcode: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows question number code.

showwelcome: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows welcome.

showprogress: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey shows progress.

questionindex: int[source]

Index of the survey question.

navigationdelay: int[source]

The survey navigation delay.

nokeyboard: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey should allow keyboard input.

bouncetime: int | None[source]

The survey bounce time.

bounceprocessing: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey bounces are processed.

bounceaccounttype: str | None[source]

The survey bounce account type.

bounceaccounthost: str | None[source]

The survey bounce account host.

bounceaccountpass: str | None[source]

The survey bounce account password.

bounceaccountencryption: str | None[source]

The survey bounce account encryption.

bounceaccountuser: str | None[source]

The survey bounce account user.

htmlemail: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey emails are HTML.

sendconfirmation: YesNo[source]

Whether the survey sends confirmation.

bounce_email: str[source]

The survey bounce email.

emailresponseto: str | None[source]

The survey email response to.

emailnotificationto: str | None[source]

The survey email notification to.

admin: str[source]

The survey admin.

admin_email: str[source]

The survey admin email.

language: str[source]

The survey language.

additional_languages: str[source]

The survey additional languages.

class citric.types.CPDBParticipantImportResult[source]

Bases: TypedDict

CPDB participant import result.

ImportCount: int[source]

The number of participants imported.

UpdateCount: int[source]

The number of participants updated.

class citric.types.SurveyUserActivationSettings[source]

Bases: TypedDict

User settings for survey activation.

anonymized: bool[source]

Whether the survey is anonymized.

datestamp: bool[source]

Whether the survey records dates.

ipaddr: bool[source]

Whether the survey records IP addresses.

ipanonymize: bool[source]

Whether the survey anonymizes IP addresses.

refurl: bool[source]

Whether the survey records referrer URLs.

savetimings: bool[source]

Whether the survey saves response timings.